Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Puli kozhambu / Termarid Curry

  • Bitter gourd-2 medium
  • Onion -1 medium
  • Tomato-1medium
  • Chili powder -1tsp
  • Coriander powder-1tsp
  • Cumin powder-1tsp
  • Sesame oil-3tsp
  • Salt-as needed
  • Turmeric-1/2tsp
  • Termarid-1/2 lemon
  • Soak the termarid in water for an hour.
  • Take pan pour sesame oil, when oil is hot, add mustard.
  • Cut the bitter gourd in small sided cubes and add into the oil.
  • Fry till the bitter guard the green color changes to pale.
  • Then add sliced onion and fry till it looses moisture.
  • Then add tomato and fry it becomes mashy.
  • Now add chili, coriander, cumin powder and mix it well.
  • Add termarid juice and let it boil.
  • When it becomes thick paste, switch off the stove and garnish with cilantro. 

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